About Kyrgyzstan

About Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan is a beautiful country located in Central Asia. It is a major tourist destination known for its beautiful mountains & lakes.  Kyrgyzstan is filled with Silk road remnants, attractive valleys, hundreds of Alpine lakes, beautiful rivers, endless mountain peaks, rich and diverse cultural heritage for centuries.

Kyrgyzstan is a member of the Commonwealth of the Independent States, the Eurasian Economic Community, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

Population: Approximately 6 million.

The nation’s largest ethnic group is the Kyrgyz, a Turkic people, who comprise 73.3% of the population. Other ethnic groups include Russians, Uzbeks, Ukrainians, Kazakhs, Tajiks, Uzbeks, etc.

Capital: Bishkek. is the capital and largest city.

Bishkek is the political, economic, and administrative center of Kyrgyzstan, as well as being a place of historical and cultural significance.

Major cities – Bishkek, Osh, Jalal-Abad, Karakol, Issyk-Kul, Talas, Tokmok, etc.


  1. Manas international airport (Bishkek)
  2. Osh airport
  3. Jalal-Abad airport

Currency: The Kyrgyz SOM (KGS)

Languages: The official languages are Kyrgyz & Russian.

In Kyrgyzstan, many universities provide English medium study for professional courses.

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