Advisory for Indian students desirous of pursuing Medicine Course in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Advisory for Indian students desirous of pursuing Medicine Course in the Republic of Uzbekistan

We wanted to share some important updates regarding the availability of medical education programs in Uzbekistan for Indian students. As advised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the National Medical Council of India has recently made changes to the system of recognition of foreign medical qualifications.

One of these changes is that, as of 2022, “these diplomas and skills must be recognized and valid in the country where the higher education institution that issued them is located.” At the moment, the 5-year MBBS educational program that is required by India is not included in the classification of higher medical education in Uzbekistan, and the processes for issuing and recognizing a diploma in this specialty have not yet been established.

However, the Republic of Uzbekistan has a 6-year “Therapeutic Work” program that meets the requirements set by the National Medical Council of India, including the duration of training and periods allotted for practice. This program also includes an internship, which is necessary for medical practice in India. Upon completing the 6-year “Therapeutic Work” program in Uzbekistan, graduates will have the right to practice medicine in the country.

It is important to note that once the 5-year MBBS educational program becomes available in Uzbekistan and is included in the classification of higher medical education, all Indian students will be invited to study under this program.

We want to reassure our students that the 6-year “Therapeutic Work” program in Uzbekistan is fully recognized by the Indian Embassy in Tashkent, and includes all necessary components for medical practice in India, including an internship. Upon completing the program, students are eligible to practice medicine in Uzbekistan.

Thank you for choosing Collegeclue for your medical education consultancy needs. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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